Monday, July 12, 2010

King's List

Here is the list for Chris's Necrons:

Formation: Resurrection War Cell
Lord- Staff of light, Resurrection Orb, Veil of Darkness, Veteran Ability-Feel No Pain
Immortals- 10
Immortals- 10
Immortals- 10
Lord- Warscythe, Chronometron, Destroyer Body, Phase Shifter, Phylactery
Warriors- 10
Warriors- 10

Total points- 2500

Sunday, July 11, 2010

They came from behind

It was a dark day. The ground was unstable, and the winds of change where blowing. The Shas'O didn't enjoy the taste on the air. It was like a portent of doom he just couldn't shake.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

King's List

Tau King's List for July 27, 2010. Please note the total points. *cough*cheater*cough*

Shas'O, Airburst Frag Projector, Multi-Tracker, Iridium Armour, Shield Drone, Marker Drone, Twin Linked Plasma
Crisis Team- 3, Shas'vre, Missile Pod, Twin Linked Plasma Rifles, Bonding knife, Shield Drone, Marker Drone
Stealth Suits- 6, Shield Generators, Shas'vre, Multi-tracker, markerlight
Firewarriors- 12, Pulse rifles, Photon Grenades, Shas'ui, Multi-tracker, Bonding knife
Firewarriors- 12, Pulse rifles, Photon Grenades, Shas'ui, Multi-tracker, Bonding knife
Firewarriors- 12, Pulse rifles, Photon Grenades, Shas'ui, Multi-tracker, Bonding knife
Firewarriors- 12, Pulse rifles, Photon Grenades, EMP Grenades, Shas'ui, Multi-tracker, Bonding knife
Fast Attack
Piranha- Fusion Blaster, Flechette Discharger, 2 Seeker Missiles, Targeting Array
Piranha- Fusion Blaster, Flechette Discharger, 2 Seeker Missiles, Targeting Array
Heavy Support
Sky Ray Missile Defense Gunship- Smart Missile System, Multi-tracker, Targeting Array
Hammerhead- Railgun, Smart Missile System, Disruption Pod, Multitracker, 2 Seeker Missiles, Target Lock
Broadside- Targeting Array
Broadside- Targeting Array
Sniper Drone Team- 2
Area Denial Node
Area Denial Node

Points- 2670

Sunday, June 13, 2010

For the greater good!

It was the most disgusting field of battle imaginable. Slime dripped from every branch, a river of sludge flowed through the center. The reak was horrible. They had been hidden in position for a week waiting for this moment. This was their chance to make good their strike. It was a chance to wreak havoc upon the foe before battle even commenced, then they would quietly fade into the background. There was the signal, they opened fire. One salvo, no more, and then gone. Before the foe knew what was happening the Broadside stumbled, wounded. Across the field other shots rang out, targeting anyone that stands alone. The Changer of Ways had aided his pleasure seeking brother, had changed the tide ever so much, and put into motion yet another thread in the unfathomable scheme.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Growing Darkness

Dravos scanned the surrounding area, his millenia of experience telling him that open battle was near. The Acolytes of Change had just been notified by their orbiting fleet that the enemies were making planetfall. Despite their initial success in controlling the sector, Dravos knew that it was only a matter of time before all manner of foe would descend upon Gore Swirl, whether it be disgusting alien scum, or the ancient enemy themselves. Prospero be praised he thought to himself, relishing the idea of gutting an Imperial coward or better yet their lackey dogs, the space marines.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To remain King

As all can see, there is a poll on the right on what it takes to remain King. I also wanted to open it up to discussion, so please, use this thread for comments and debate.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blood and Honor

"Remain in formation." Master Acaeleus' voice hissed over the comm of the land raider. As the holy tank slowed the predator tank followed suit. "This is it, where we make our stand. Croxis, position the Damocles and begin jump protocol."
"Yes Master." Croxis issued his acknowledgment of the order and as he spoke the rhino moved beside the larger tanks, its communication array scanning for enemy chatter while alerting their battle barge outside of orbit to begin deployment.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

When the King falls.

As small clouds of metallic terror slowly drift across the hills and woods, the adversaries face one another. Eager to do battle, eager to draw blood. The forces of the Imperium, intent on holding the portal in the name of the Emperor, sure that the others have only foul intentions. The forces of Chaos, visions of glory and power fueling their desire to take control and rule once more. The Tyranids, intent only upon the biomass that can be harvested if the are able to reap the portals mighty harvest. Only one can be king, only one can take control. Who will triumph? Or will the portal be its own master once more.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The King's List

Here is the Chaos Space Marine list for June 6, 2010
Same as last week, but I dropped the 4th Thousand Sons unit to bring the list back in line with the 2500pt limit.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I shoot your shooty guys with my weapon thing.

For six long days the sector knew peace. It prospered under an iron fist. Daemons grew fat off of small children. Treasures were plundered. Innocents were sacrificed. Schemes were schemed. Plots were plotted. Conspiracy, espionage, and intrigue abounded. Webs of deceit were spun.
Sadly, there were those who, to simple to put forth proper plans, turned to the only way they knew, strength of arms. Once again, war gripped Goreswirl.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Veteran Table

Here's the current listing of the Gore Swirl veteran units and their abilities. The black fields indicate that an ability has been earned but still needs to be assigned by the owning commander. Add a comment to this post or send me an email if you want me to update the list with your selections.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The list of the King

Here is the Chaos Space Marine list for May 30, 2010
Acolytes of Change
Daemon Prince- Mark of Tzeentch, Wings, Gift of Chaos, Warp Time
Chaos Sorceror- Mark of Tzeentch, Terminator Armour,
- Gift of Chaos, Bolt of Change
Dreadnought- Extra close combat weapon
Terminators- 9, Mark of Tzeentch, 9 with Lightning Claw,
- 1 with Combi-Melta
Thousand Sons- 1 Aspiring Sorceror, Gift of Chaos, Melta-Bomb,
- 8 Sons, Icon
--Rhino, Extra Armour
Thousand Sons- 1 Aspiring Sorceror, Gift of Chaos, Melta-Bomb,
- 8 Sons, Icon
--Rhino, Extra Armour
Thousand Sons- 1 Aspiring Sorceror, Gift of Chaos, Melta-Bomb,
- 8 Sons, Icon
--Rhino, Extra Armour
Thousand Sons- 1 Aspiring Sorceror, Gift of Chaos, Melta-Bomb,
- 8 Sons, Icon
--Rhino, Extra Armour
Lesser Daemons- 5
Defiler- 2 extra close combat weapons
Defiler- 2 extra close combat weapons
Total: 2750pts

Notes: All infantry models have invul saves, mostly 4+. Thousand Sons have AP 3 bolters. Psionics: Gift of Chaos turns a guy into a spawn, Bolt of Change is a shooting power, Warptime gives the Prince rerolls to hit and to wound. Icons just help with deepstrike scatter for terms and lesser daemons(which NEED the icon to come on), but not the prince.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

And the blood rains down

In the far distant future, there is only war. Where untold trillions toil for the machine of war that is the Imperium of Man, where daemons bleed from the warp to slaughter in the thousands, a soul is nothing, but fuel for the fires of war. Amid this eternal carnage a strife lies Gore Swirl, a world that is not a world, a constantly changing plain of destruction, a guardian to a portal deep into the warp. He who controls the plain, controls the portal, and the destiny of the entire sector.
When battle was first joined, the Tyranids and the Sisters of Battle both fled the field, leaving only the Tau and the Acolytes of Change of the Chaos Space Marines. As the two remaining titans faced off once again to claim Gore Swirl, another army made planet fall. The Blood Angels chapter had come to play.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ah, to name a king

In the beginning there was no King. Thus, in an effort to name a king, four forces gathered. The only solution, to take the King's Hill, to take the King's Crown, to take it all. The only method, fire. The only target, everybody else. The four players strong enough not to pussy out with some lame excuse, John with Tau, Calavin with 'Nids, Chris with Sisters, and Allan with Chaos Space Marines. Who will be victorious? Who will become king? Who will rule for all time(until next week)?
Read on, if you dare!(no really, its really long)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

It begins!

We have hashed out most of the rules, and started a test game. The game only made it through turn 2 before we had to break for time, but I think that everyone present(Dan, John, and I) was happy with what we came up with. I hope to start in earnest soon, crowning the first King of the Hill! I will try and keep this updated, adding pictures as we continue with the campaign. Please, let me know if anyone wishes to be added as a writer.